Travel, Adventure, and Midlife Inspiration

How I enjoyed My Birthday Celebration During The Covid-19 Crisis

This past week marked another birthday for me. However, due to the current Covid-19 crisis, I had limited options for ways to celebrate. The travel itinerary I spent weeks working on was scrapped after the pandemic shut everything down. Social distancing prohibits restaurants and other venues from allowing public gatherings, so I gave up on plans for an evening out as well.

During this time of uncertainty, we’re all trying to adapt to new norms. There’s a high rate of unemployment. Many of us are isolated. We try to adjust to the mandatory wearing of masks in public as we search for necessities such as sanitizer and toilet paper. Our stress levels are at an all-time high. What’s worse, a hundred thousand Coronavirus-related deaths occurred in this country in just a few months. That alone sounds a lot worse than not being able to spend my birthday somewhere on the other side of the world, or having a birthday dinner at some fancy eatery this year.

The world around me has been a frenzy lately, yet I’ve still managed to stay in good health, have all my needs met, and continue with my life, with but a few minor inconveniences. So this year, as I acknowledged my 50-something birthday in my socially-distant way, I decided to take some time to reflect and give thanks, because I have a lot for which I am grateful.

“The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times.” – Unknown


I’m thankful for learning the importance of self-care. This past year, I’ve taken better care of my self than I have in a long time. From letting go of bad relationships to retiring from a stressful job to being more consistent with my workouts with Fit Body Boot Camp and eating better, it’s my new way of life! When the lockdown began, my self-care just became easier. I continued my boot camp with Zoom meetings, and now I have plenty of time to cook. Despite the current crisis, I’m managing to keep the stress level down, and I’m feeling better mentally, physically, and emotionally. My weight loss hasn’t been this low in nine years!


I’m more than thankful for technology. After all, how else would I be able to connect to all of you? From FaceTime to Zoom meetings, everything is available at the touch of my hands. I spend the day writing and communicating with loved ones, and by the end of the day, it’s always nice to be able to watch a good movie on Netflix!

Travel Memories

So my travel plans are canceled this year. I still have plenty of memories from the ten countries I visited last year! How many people can say that? Now and then, a thought or memory comes to mind and brings a smile across my face. Wow, those were some good times! And if I never get to travel at all this year, it’s okay. I still have many stories to share, so hang on to your seats!

Friends and Family

This past year has been my year of bright ideas, new adventures, and lots of ups and downs. I’m grateful for my family and friends, who are my support system in the times I need them the most. Whether it’s the passion for my latest venture, the excitement about my next trip, or even the woes about midlife, they’re always here for me. I’m grateful for having them around.

Essential Workers

I cannot forget the ones who place their lives on the line every day to make sure the rest of the world still runs in the midst of our worst of times. I applaud our healthcare workers who continue to risk their own lives while saving others. I’m grateful for our public safety officers, for those who work in the food industry, the people in the delivery service, and everyone contributing to making our lives easier who, under normal circumstances, we often take for granted.

I didn’t get to go on my trip, but that’s okay. There are plenty of local places near my home to get fresh air and enjoy beautiful scenic views. I spent the day by the water and took the time to reflect on the past year. Sitting there to enjoy the beautiful scenery is what made my day! Grateful. There are a lot of things to be thankful for, and in the middle of a crisis, I appreciate them even more!

What Things Are You Grateful For?

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